TV-MS - Medical Supply

We supply. We Care

Event Friendly Dinner

Dr. Hany Tantawy

15 years of experience in the medical field, specialized in oncology and imaging



Dr. Aremu

Doctor in Interventional Radiology at Muhimbili University Hospital


Dr. Mohamed Hamed

Professor in Interventional Radiology at Cairo University


Dr. Eric

Professor in Interventional Radiology

Head of Interventional Radiology at Muhimbili University


Ms. Laura Piccinini

Vice President of Angiodynamics


Michael Kobeissi

International Sales Manager of Angiodynamics


Dr. James Lenton

Professor of Interventional Radiology at Birmingham University


The goal of this dinner was to discuss entry of new technologies that will help in introducing new techniques at Muhimbili University Hospital with the aim of treating Cancer in different regions of the body (bone, breast, liver, etc.) with new and improved methods
